In this workshop, the Chocolate Lovers, ChefElise Lévine-Davis
will teach you how to make decadent and succulent chocolate desserts! You will know everything about chocolate, chocolate and chocolate!!!
These 100% hands-on baking classes
last 2 hours a week, for 6 weeks.
I will send youan email backtelling you if there is stillavailabilityin the workshop you want. If there are availability,I will put your name on the listand confirm it to you.
One week before the workshop starts, I will send youanother email, telling youhow many studentsare in your session/workshop. And I willask you to payaccordingly (see below for the price).
In case you arethe only student registeredin your session, you can eithercancel, haveprivate classes with me, orgo to another session/workshopon another day.